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Saturday, February 14, 2004

NK Cells


210. All of the following statements about NK cells are true. except:

1. They are derived from large granular cells.

2. They comprise about 5% of human peripheral lymphoid cells.

3. They are MHC restricted cytotoxic cells

4. They express lgG Fc receptors.


3. They are MHC restricted cytotoxic cells


Nelson 15th Edition Chapter 116

Ananthanarayanan 5th Edition Page 116

Harrison 15th Edition Page 1810




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Natural Killer Cells

· These are large, granular lymphocytes, not classical T or B cells

· They belong to the group of Null Cells

· They account for 5 to 10 % of Lymphocytes

· Lyse cultured tumour cells and virus-infected cells very efficiently in vitro.

· Interferon is a potent activator of natural killer cells.

· IL 2 activates them to LAK cells

· They express

o CD 16 –FcR for IgG

o CD 56 – Mediates NK Homotypic Adhesion


1. They are derived from large granular cells.

2. They comprise about 5% of human peripheral lymphoid cells.

3. They are defined by their functional capacity to mediate non-MHC-restricted cytotoxicity.are not MHC restricted cytotoxic cells

4. They express lgG Fc receptors.


NK-cell activity has been found in human fetal liver cells at 8{endash}–11 wk of gestation. NK lymphocytes are also derived from bone marrow precursors. Thymic processing is not necessary for NK-cell development, although NK cells have been found in the thymus.


The names and other details of various Cluster of Differentiation are to be studied from Nelson, Harrison and Robbins. Table 305-1 from Harrison is to be read (that’s easy J!!) and to be remembered (how L??)

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