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Friday, March 4, 2005

All India 2005 9th Jan Results Part 2

Ansari Nagar, New Delhi - 110029


In pursuance to Hon’ble Supreme Court’s order dated 28th February, 2005 in writ petition No. 18/2005, the additional merit list as conveyed by Directorate General of Health Services vide its Letter No. U-12021/4/2005-MEC dated 3.3.2005 is displayed.

This is in continuation of the result declared on 14th February, 2005. The revised schedule of Counselling is also displayed

The following is the list of candidates who have qualified for MD/MS/PG Diploma and MDS courses at various Medical/Dental Colleges/Institutions in India against 50% open merit seats on the basis of All India Entrance Examination held on Sunday, the 9th January, 2005. The list is roll number-wise and the position in order of merit is given in parenthesis against each roll number. The list is subject to verification of eligibility criteria & original documents as given in the Prospectus. The Institute is not responsible for any printing error. The allocation of subject and Medical College will be done by the Directorate General of Health Services as per counselling schedule given at the bottom. Individual intimation in this respect is being sent separately. Result is also displayed on the notice board of Examination Section, AIIMS, New Delhi and will be available on web sites and


5150018 (2465)

5150060 (1990)

5150103 (2206)

5150164 (2237)

5150293 (2041)

5150323 (1979)

5150346 (2220)

5150358 (2494)

5150378 (2089)

5150505 (2379)

5150645 (2644)

5150698 (2100)

5150761 (2636)

5150804 (2182)

5150813 (2213)

5150902 (2204)

5150992 (1982)

5151044 (2256)

5151067 (2264)

5151176 (2226)

5151216 (2471)

5151342 (2501)

5151384 (1943)

5151405 (2502)

5151444 (2546)

5151541 (2282)

5151550 (2522)

5151565 (2645)

5151644 (2347)

5151720 (2057)

5151730 (2603)

5151840 (2211)

5151855 (2010)
5151867 (2330)

5151887 (2062)

5151930 (2159)

5151990 (2492)

5152045 (2105)

5152075 (2669)

5152087 (1973)

5152237 (2333)

5152296 (1948)

5152313 (2360)

5152402 (2634)

5152459 (2354)

5152484 (2667)

5152487 (2417)

5152499 (2517)

5152531 (2414)

5152660 (2614)

5152856 (2405)

5152895 (2519)

5152896 (2285)

5152906 (1986)

5152943 (2528)

5152965 (2681)

5153124 (2146)

5153228 (2244)

5153243 (2003)

5153274 (2398)

5153283 (2255)

5153324 (2166)

5153385 (2118)

5153391 (1969)

5153423 (2183)

5153518 (2233)
5153520 (2102)

5153600 (1951)

5153606 (2162)

5153611 (2690)

5153705 (2147)

5153720 (2443)

5153799 (2000)

5153822 (2452)

5153861 (2094)

5153887 (2019)

5153897 (2365)

5153900 (2571)

5154024 (2217)

5154096 (2172)

5154131 (2096)

5154153 (2637)

5154188 (2408)

5154215 (2655)

5154253 (2702)

5154367 (2021)

5154428 (2124)

5154446 (1997)

5154535 (2168)

5154586 (2095)

5154622 (2570)

5154742 (2031)

5154785 (1981)

5154814 (1965)

5154830 (2154)

5154935 (2343)

5154946 (2128)

5154961 (2048)

5154977 (2119)
5154982 (2647)

5154990 (2243)

5155008 (2610)

5155012 (2625)

5155047 (2012)

5155095 (2113)

5155102 (2591)

5155123 (2434)

5155146 (2550)

5155218 (1976)

5155243 (2215)

5155288 (2016)

5155357 (2485)

5155367 (2460)

5155426 (2496)

5155563 (2402)

5155623 (2158)

5155848 (2002)

5155891 (2179)

5156053 (2626)

5156064 (2281)

5156080 (2652)

5156088 (2301)

5156118 (2668)

5156193 (2578)

5156250 (2576)

5156275 (2449)

5156289 (2084)

5156375 (2045)

5156377 (2510)

5156397 (2480)

5156475 (1972)

5156517 (2224)
5156523 (2298)

5156540 (2363)

5156547 (2433)

5156563 (1991)

5156566 (1962)

5156722 (2463)

5156723 (2440)

5156732 (2047)

5156796 (2005)

5156866 (2473)

5156933 (2230)

5157028 (2592)

5157081 (2108)

5157082 (2378)

5157165 (1945)

5157172 (2169)

5157182 (2604)

5157219 (2558)

5157251 (2130)

5157254 (2134)

5157257 (2467)

5157401 (2249)

5157426 (2648)

5157446 (2581)

5157480 (2261)

5157538 (2672)

5157566 (2616)

5157643 (2265)

5157659 (2034)

5157832 (2693)

5157834 (2079)

5157875 (2373)

5157882 (2685)
5157898 (2141)

5157928 (2120)

5157971 (2039)

5157980 (2469)

5158099 (2042)

5158154 (2477)

5158174 (2114)

5158220 (2203)

5158250 (2067)

5158265 (2629)

5158292 (2111)

5158332 (2207)

5158373 (2487)

5158424 (2627)

5158488 (1984)

5158504 (2305)

5158512 (2359)

5158527 (2698)

5158557 (2026)

5158641 (2654)

5158704 (2411)

5158708 (2280)

5158729 (2544)

5158769 (2582)

5158805 (2643)

5158823 (2385)

5158851 (2646)

5159078 (2526)

5159115 (2688)

5159195 (2508)

5159205 (2394)

5159206 (2403)

5159241 (2633)
5159247 (2493)

5159249 (2173)

5159274 (2511)

5159308 (2561)

5159441 (2247)

5159545 (2101)

5159599 (2090)

5159670 (2122)

5159694 (2549)

5159706 (2577)

5159777 (2289)

5159796 (2483)

5159854 (2470)

5160017 (2350)

5160059 (2302)

5160086 (2547)

5160087 (2609)

5160088 (2464)

5160246 (2299)

5160335 (2367)

5160344 (2127)

5160368 (2406)

5160388 (2628)

5160423 (1967)

5160490 (2489)

5160600 (2588)

5160619 (2087)

5160624 (2198)

5160749 (2369)

5160971 (2587)

5160985 (2630)

5161018 (2271)

5161081 (2618)

5161141 (2641)

5161180 (2499)

5161234 (1978)

5161237 (2254)

5161332 (2074)

5161365 (2097)

5161449 (2504)

5161496 (2059)

5161666 (2103)

5161691 (1942)

5161696 (2562)

5161701 (2239)

5161728 (2063)

5161828 (2320)

5161830 (2337)

5161831 (2551)

5161933 (2273)

5162009 (2140)

5162080 (2640)

5162081 (2703)

5162190 (2025)

5162210 (1958)

5162215 (2318)

5162230 (2512)

5162241 (2540)

5162250 (2195)

5162316 (2590)

5162422 (2676)

5162457 (2620)

5162526 (2383)

5162593 (2076)

5162613 (2009)

5162702 (2659)

5162721 (2361)

5162759 (2364)

5162839 (2615)

5162861 (2555)

5162911 (2635)

5162957 (2639)

5163030 (2223)

5163037 (2533)

5163110 (2691)

5163297 (2375)

5163328 (2135)

5163345 (2351)

5163435 (2091)

5163457 (2372)

5163499 (2138)

5163502 (2029)

5163507 (2112)

5163522 (2274)

5163526 (2656)

5163572 (2368)

5163638 (2167)

5163712 (2384)

5163719 (2327)

5163805 (2429)

5163818 (2007)

5163924 (2593)

5163980 (1949)

5163991 (2453)

5164171 (2650)

5164195 (2279)

5164227 (2586)

5164257 (2564)

5164276 (2653)

5164323 (2388)

5164372 (2622)

5164392 (2184)

5164400 (2505)

5164469 (2701)

5164498 (2058)

5164503 (2181)

5164775 (2459)

5164795 (2563)

5164821 (2543)

5164834 (2642)

5164912 (2455)

5164971 (2238)

5165008 (2370)

5165011 (2149)

5165132 (2200)

5165167 (2336)

5165192 (2303)

5165229 (2326)

5165308 (2161)

5165318 (2267)

5165331 (2684)

5165348 (2218)

5165371 (2596)

5165380 (2366)

5165434 (2121)

5165443 (2568)

5165447 (2466)

5165487 (2178)

5165574 (2205)

5165639 (2557)

5165718 (2174)

5165771 (2663)

5165781 (2580)

5165792 (2382)

5165817 (2665)

5165883 (2151)

5165907 (2160)

5165929 (2442)

5165952 (2177)

5165983 (2035)

5166000 (2291)

5166003 (2448)

5166005 (2482)

5166085 (2624)

5166087 (2670)

5166101 (2253)

5166203 (2428)

5166220 (2306)

5166246 (2559)

5166404 (2357)

5166538 (1955)

5166601 (2270)

5166637 (2662)

5166699 (2387)

5166731 (2432)

5166853 (2339)

5166862 (2115)

5166867 (2356)

5166906 (2208)

5166911 (2099)

5166918 (2389)

5166978 (2324)

5166984 (2569)

5166992 (2401)

5167008 (2495)

5167024 (2425)

5167079 (2032)

5167081 (2649)

5167132 (2666)

5167145 (2152)

5167192 (2015)

5167211 (2176)

5167217 (2457)

5167236 (2131)

5167244 (2322)

5167308 (2664)

5167311 (2052)

5167438 (2307)

5167472 (2445)

5167532 (2446)

5167561 (2419)

5167616 (2692)

5167621 (2288)

5167689 (2037)

5167789 (2613)

5167911 (2323)

5167928 (1966)

5168019 (2092)

5168176 (2413)

5168197 (2506)

5168276 (1974)

5168373 (2260)

5168430 (1960)

5168436 (2272)

5168491 (2537)

5168492 (2409)

5168510 (2404)

5168715 (2188)

5168731 (2241)

5168740 (2456)

5168889 (2332)

5168971 (2284)

5169097 (2412)

5169156 (2410)

5169235 (2185)

5169236 (1994)

5169254 (2078)

5169280 (2386)

5169291 (2696)

5169299 (1989)

5169329 (2418)

5169365 (2070)

5169384 (2156)

5169397 (2066)

5169402 (2677)

5169432 (2086)

5169470 (2597)

5169548 (2310)

5169555 (2509)

5169568 (2165)

5169582 (2426)

5169584 (2447)

5169605 (2080)

5169608 (2529)

5169655 (2202)

5169754 (2225)

5169760 (2068)

5169843 (2600)

5169999 (2056)

5170000 (2675)

5170257 (2631)

5170293 (2229)

5170366 (2484)

5170408 (2145)

5170409 (2531)

5170492 (2407)

5170621 (2599)

5170644 (2081)

5170648 (2245)

5170718 (1944)

5170798 (2290)

5170846 (2608)

5170847 (2461)

5170926 (2171)

5170962 (2381)

5171068 (2317)

5171118 (2535)

5171151 (2525)

5171158 (2030)

5171218 (2376)

5171258 (2552)

5171259 (1950)

5171321 (2415)

5171352 (2293)

5171364 (2518)

5171387 (2661)

5171663 (2054)

5171678 (2682)

5171695 (2286)

5171699 (2300)

5171743 (2545)

5171751 (2699)

5171768 (2194)

5171850 (2686)

5172130 (2371)

5172211 (2439)

5172223 (2075)

5172268 (2583)

5172320 (2331)

5172423 (2422)

5172446 (2013)

5172496 (2232)

5172510 (1953)

5172519 (2342)

5172542 (2044)

5172590 (2515)

5172682 (1946)

5172718 (1957)

5172719 (2024)

5172726 (2574)

5172759 (2595)

5172762 (2309)

5172799 (2400)

5172972 (2651)

5172996 (2399)

5173007 (2674)

5173058 (2022)

5173069 (1963)

5173098 (2061)

5173114 (1954)

5173146 (2187)

5173200 (2246)

5173227 (2441)

5173241 (2348)

5173271 (2329)

5173293 (2297)

5173399 (2450)

5173457 (2292)

5173527 (2393)

5173569 (2355)

5173657 (2197)

5173665 (2164)

5173773 (2262)

5173795 (2694)

5173867 (2107)

5173938 (2043)

5173948 (2527)

5174013 (1993)

5174016 (2294)

5174017 (2069)

5174031 (2421)

5174049 (2250)

5174054 (2222)

5174072 (2349)

5174082 (2139)

5174126 (2362)

5174138 (2314)

5174146 (2283)

5174208 (2269)

5174264 (2458)

5174330 (2486)

5174349 (2219)

5174354 (2516)

5174440 (2072)

5174456 (2259)

5174482 (2129)

5174504 (2117)

5174659 (2136)

5174720 (2438)

5174744 (2451)

5174765 (1961)

5174782 (2321)

5174845 (1956)

5174855 (2536)

5174859 (2109)

5174878 (2572)

5174891 (2423)

5174904 (2049)

5174918 (2390)

5174930 (2082)

5174939 (2051)

5174950 (2304)

5174996 (2660)

5175021 (2521)

5175043 (1964)

5175088 (2276)

5175102 (2199)

5175108 (2541)

5175112 (2542)

5175113 (2212)

5175399 (2437)

5175417 (2227)

5175433 (1999)

5175496 (2573)

5175554 (2565)

5175574 (2126)

5175759 (2001)

5175853 (2687)

5175892 (2392)

5175923 (1996)

5176012 (2575)

5176043 (2344)

5176056 (2468)

5176063 (2462)

5176107 (2657)

5176216 (2196)

5176222 (2679)

5176257 (2144)

5176263 (2454)

5176294 (2319)

5176365 (2605)

5176379 (2524)

5176527 (2601)

5176545 (2606)

5176594 (2189)

5176635 (2338)

5176656 (2478)

5176903 (2228)

5176914 (2680)

5176981 (2397)

5177031 (1983)

5177041 (2673)

5177094 (2064)

5177104 (2106)

5177112 (2436)

5177199 (2534)

5177215 (2311)

5177257 (2554)

5177337 (2123)

5177449 (2242)

5177502 (2553)

5177575 (2209)

5177577 (2163)

5177600 (2004)

5177603 (2420)

5177620 (2210)

5177655 (2008)

5177673 (2315)

5177689 (2566)

5177714 (1970)

5177798 (2148)

5177824 (2011)

5177836 (2530)

5177869 (2374)

5177992 (2380)

5178117 (2479)

5178199 (2116)

5178209 (2125)

5178310 (1985)

5178335 (2312)

5178347 (2190)

5178372 (2548)

5178424 (2231)

5178429 (2607)

5178465 (2335)

5178498 (2266)

5178606 (2191)

5178632 (2474)

5178654 (2060)

5178671 (2248)

5178711 (2277)

5178800 (2476)

5178935 (2006)

5178970 (2137)

5178985 (2236)

5178987 (1988)

5179014 (2093)

5179051 (2221)

5179121 (2683)

5179130 (2358)

5179137 (2700)

5179161 (2567)

5179174 (2085)

5179204 (2155)

5179249 (2033)

5179265 (2396)

5179394 (2050)

5179442 (2073)

5179460 (2020)

5179660 (2416)

5179681 (2110)

5179700 (2689)

5179759 (2695)

5179770 (2252)

5179783 (2268)

5179811 (2444)

5179813 (2053)

5179834 (2098)

5179867 (2275)

5179941 (2308)

5180000 (2638)

5180036 (2201)

5180046 (2481)

5180201 (2584)

5180216 (2077)

5180323 (2697)

5180341 (2023)

5180352 (2520)

5180439 (2258)

5180441 (2055)

5180504 (2065)

5180512 (2352)

5180549 (1952)

5180615 (2598)

5180713 (2658)

5180715 (2028)

5180762 (2040)

5180811 (2617)

5180862 (2313)

5180863 (2027)

5180902 (2296)

5180936 (2257)

5180950 (2142)

5180983 (2175)

5181111 (1971)

5181133 (2556)

5181142 (2594)

5181227 (2353)

5181327 (2498)

5181412 (2251)

5181490 (2430)

5181500 (2345)

5181542 (2612)

5181547 (2235)

5181608 (2038)

5181636 (2088)

5181863 (2186)

5181909 (2083)

5181951 (2395)

5182020 (1987)

5182042 (2514)

5182064 (2234)

5182095 (2017)

5182129 (2157)

5182177 (1977)

5182386 (2170)

5182393 (2180)

5182424 (2193)

5182490 (1980)

5182502 (2560)

5182512 (2503)

5182619 (2143)

5182662 (2539)

5182681 (2623)

5182714 (2391)

5182737 (2532)

5182756 (2589)

5182783 (2216)

5182784 (2611)

5182823 (2018)

5182847 (1975)

5182894 (2346)

5182928 (2328)

5183103 (2579)

5183151 (2046)

5183189 (2278)

5183228 (2632)

5183242 (2619)

5183539 (1992)

5183543 (2678)

5183565 (2104)

5183594 (2427)

5183673 (2214)

5183684 (2150)

5183905 (2431)

5184027 (2435)

5184114 (2340)

5184237 (2538)

5184259 (2132)

5184293 (2497)

5184333 (2513)

5184370 (2295)

5184390 (2325)

5184477 (2014)

5184488 (2334)

5184621 (1947)

5184650 (2621)

5184657 (2287)

5184858 (2263)

5184897 (1959)

5184900 (2153)

5185062 (2316)

5185131 (2192)

5185133 (2602)

5185161 (1995)

5185166 (2341)

5185350 (2585)

5185406 (1968)

5185465 (2424)

5185494 (2133)

5185499 (2377)

5185616 (2491)

5185632 (1998)

5185649 (2488)

5185810 (2472)

5185855 (2523)

5185908 (2500)

5186110 (2507)

5186142 (2071)

5186190 (2475)

5186243 (2490)

5186296 (2036)

5186343 (2671)


5150027 (3205)

5150042 (3366)

5150123 (3130)

5150131 (2880)

5150149 (3092)

5150289 (2961)

5150329 (3376)

5150537 (3224)

5150626 (2766)

5150753 (3220)

5150778 (3055)

5150781 (2765)

5150821 (2897)

5150888 (2845)

5150943 (2806)

5151023 (2908)

5151057 (3071)

5151078 (2956)

5151181 (2762)

5151301 (3332)

5151318 (3157)

5151373 (3046)

5151454 (2739)

5151512 (2844)

5151519 (3261)

5151543 (3343)

5151555 (2925)

5151624 (2922)

5151694 (3320)

5151698 (2737)

5151701 (2784)

5151765 (3151)

5151842 (3041)

5151936 (2874)

5151948 (2813)

5152088 (2998)

5152239 (3143)

5152286 (2993)

5152300 (3311)

5152371 (3001)

5152519 (2778)

5152543 (2802)

5152549 (2759)

5152583 (2871)

5152661 (3256)

5152695 (2912)

5152709 (3226)

5152737 (2833)

5152935 (3255)

5153019 (3178)

5153031 (2801)

5153085 (3202)

5153160 (3132)

5153263 (2888)

5153264 (3221)

5153319 (3324)

5153361 (2814)

5153447 (2798)

5153498 (3176)

5153510 (3262)

5153712 (3360)

5153728 (3182)

5153764 (3003)

5153867 (3225)

5153881 (3284)

5153929 (3291)

5153964 (3064)

5154041 (3004)

5154181 (3274)

5154257 (3336)

5154410 (3333)

5154429 (3238)

5154476 (3240)

5154539 (3287)

5154553 (3229)

5154651 (3050)

5154697 (2770)

5154721 (2858)

5154740 (3075)

5154748 (3213)

5154787 (3103)

5154864 (3305)

5154972 (2964)

5155042 (2761)

5155107 (3067)

5155175 (3233)

5155202 (3183)

5155204 (3323)

5155303 (3166)

5155372 (2774)

5155373 (3373)

5155383 (2906)

5155481 (3179)

5155562 (2994)

5155577 (3266)

5155578 (2903)

5155603 (2837)

5155724 (2812)

5155749 (2799)

5155776 (2816)

5155807 (2915)

5155835 (3171)

5155887 (3316)

5155916 (2791)

5155939 (3088)

5156009 (2713)

5156029 (3355)

5156173 (2750)

5156179 (3094)

5156180 (3245)

5156299 (3252)

5156315 (2809)

5156350 (2937)

5156407 (2836)

5156472 (2949)

5156477 (3294)

5156513 (2856)

5156535 (3122)

5156544 (3335)

5156718 (3195)

5156861 (3242)

5156883 (2896)

5156932 (3331)

5157039 (3030)

5157071 (3104)

5157093 (2743)

5157126 (2712)

5157318 (2777)

5157331 (2769)

5157367 (2840)

5157369 (2926)

5157479 (3144)

5157518 (3367)

5157534 (2901)

5157561 (2933)

5157598 (3250)

5157693 (2757)

5157731 (2748)

5157769 (3363)

5157839 (2970)

5157891 (2882)

5157962 (2785)

5158001 (3199)

5158013 (2996)

5158065 (3083)

5158126 (2736)

5158194 (2967)

5158282 (2935)

5158284 (2861)

5158337 (2794)

5158571 (3237)

5158616 (2985)

5158654 (3072)

5158762 (2884)

5158863 (2930)

5158932 (3196)

5159052 (2724)

5159066 (3251)

5159097 (2714)

5159101 (2767)

5159136 (2805)

5159173 (2746)

5159182 (3275)

5159186 (3016)

5159263 (2982)

5159292 (3108)

5159318 (3154)

5159323 (3235)

5159408 (3131)

5159439 (2745)

5159447 (3061)

5159551 (2705)

5159569 (2800)

5159659 (2860)

5159737 (3063)

5159749 (2706)

5159814 (2843)

5159815 (2989)

5159979 (3057)

5160129 (2848)

5160133 (2944)

5160170 (2893)

5160212 (2879)

5160278 (3349)

5160314 (3074)

5160318 (3044)

5160328 (3339)

5160416 (2914)

5160425 (3099)

5160578 (3268)

5160703 (2758)

5160781 (2782)

5160786 (3337)

5160799 (2878)

5160831 (2725)

5160849 (2931)

5160890 (3187)

5160950 (3359)

5161014 (2818)

5161024 (2976)

5161113 (3243)

5161215 (3314)

5161247 (3228)

5161251 (2975)

5161260 (3306)

5161315 (3257)

5161316 (3147)

5161407 (3338)

5161409 (3259)

5161421 (2768)

5161564 (3223)

5161771 (3375)

5161844 (2987)

5161915 (3365)

5161923 (3118)

5161955 (3204)

5161985 (3295)

5162041 (3227)

5162079 (2958)

5162121 (3175)

5162225 (3065)

5162284 (3246)

5162388 (3304)

5162461 (3135)

5162520 (2938)

5162522 (2921)

5162540 (3298)

5162545 (2920)

5162566 (2789)

5162637 (2887)

5162661 (2857)

5162670 (3038)

5162732 (2977)

5162902 (3056)

5162927 (3049)

5162932 (3137)

5162945 (2796)

5163021 (3270)

5163060 (3079)

5163205 (2872)

5163217 (2846)

5163219 (3308)

5163247 (2885)

5163464 (2863)

5163496 (2715)

5163513 (3140)

5163536 (2877)

5163571 (2733)

5163644 (3353)

5163681 (3185)

5163713 (3013)

5163759 (3051)

5163778 (2924)

5163832 (3184)

5163919 (2959)

5164107 (3124)

5164154 (2928)

5164157 (3035)

5164188 (2862)

5164190 (3173)

5164224 (3080)

5164297 (3150)

5164388 (3329)

5164483 (3133)

5164524 (2704)

5164735 (2991)

5164814 (3162)

5164846 (3008)

5165081 (3217)

5165090 (3045)

5165096 (2732)

5165131 (2849)

5165158 (2723)

5165170 (2790)

5165176 (3200)

5165269 (3378)

5165279 (3119)

5165345 (2850)

5165446 (3156)

5165649 (3301)

5165687 (3241)

5165799 (3017)

5165949 (2904)

5166131 (2948)

5166181 (2810)

5166205 (3082)

5166233 (3189)

5166345 (3293)

5166372 (2859)

5166375 (3203)

5166389 (2847)

5166494 (3369)

5166507 (2744)

5166632 (2821)

5166794 (3109)

5166817 (3276)

5166887 (3098)

5166908 (3113)

5166912 (2960)

5167035 (3086)

5167055 (3089)

5167086 (3078)

5167190 (2911)

5167285 (3277)

5167287 (2741)

5167379 (3068)

5167427 (3357)

5167530 (3272)

5167578 (3219)

5167608 (3371)

5167633 (3354)

5167699 (3263)

5167803 (3218)

5167832 (2829)

5167890 (3107)

5167905 (3029)

5167938 (3234)

5167970 (3070)

5167981 (3248)

5168099 (2902)

5168158 (3377)

5168320 (3010)

5168376 (3168)

5168443 (2868)

5168475 (3136)

5168479 (3214)

5168596 (3334)

5168738 (3264)

5168804 (3095)

5168834 (3149)

5168835 (3011)

5168844 (3296)

5168851 (3112)

5168883 (2819)

5168891 (2772)

5168979 (2894)

5169010 (2830)

5169065 (3362)

5169165 (2716)

5169172 (3297)

5169194 (3356)

5169197 (3009)

5169284 (3117)

5169292 (2995)

5169320 (3286)

5169382 (2916)

5169452 (3026)

5169456 (2968)

5169505 (2963)

5169564 (3127)

5169665 (3174)

5169702 (3102)

5169922 (2978)

5169930 (2986)

5169956 (3018)

5169961 (3177)

5169985 (2870)

5170009 (3198)

5170011 (3066)

5170022 (2876)

5170135 (3302)

5170207 (3148)

5170237 (3134)

5170241 (3006)

5170255 (3153)

5170305 (3040)

5170333 (3019)

5170334 (3372)

5170343 (3280)

5170468 (3164)

5170482 (2907)

5170490 (3073)

5170528 (2950)

5170529 (2780)

5170596 (3047)

5170603 (3062)

5170687 (2851)

5170748 (3096)

5170757 (2909)

5170792 (3125)

5170824 (2917)

5170879 (2853)

5170903 (2763)

5170947 (2971)

5170978 (2980)

5171035 (2895)

5171110 (3283)

5171141 (3290)

5171278 (2781)

5171335 (3084)

5171344 (2718)

5171345 (3069)

5171375 (2919)

5171400 (2900)

5171402 (3342)

5171490 (3058)

5171529 (3215)

5171573 (3024)

5171623 (2934)

5171645 (3282)

5171687 (2825)

5171704 (2947)

5171716 (3279)

5171735 (3211)

5171796 (2751)

5171797 (3209)

5171874 (2826)

5172002 (2981)

5172012 (2952)

5172018 (2747)

5172025 (3161)

5172040 (2795)

5172162 (3025)

5172227 (2754)

5172270 (2905)

5172294 (2728)

5172313 (2776)

5172367 (2839)

5172371 (2910)

5172376 (3181)

5172546 (2731)

5172671 (3239)

5172779 (3192)

5172854 (3292)

5172906 (2817)

5172954 (2999)

5172971 (3129)

5173001 (3152)

5173084 (2788)

5173170 (3222)

5173185 (2936)

5173205 (3278)

5173281 (2708)
5173332 (2711)

5173335 (2965)

5173391 (2973)

5173456 (2815)

5173497 (2966)

5173550 (3216)

5173633 (3169)

5173646 (2984)

5173776 (3031)

5173783 (3260)

5173805 (3194)

5173846 (2775)

5173856 (2943)

5173962 (3106)

5174015 (3160)

5174051 (2962)

5174075 (2827)

5174123 (2709)

5174227 (3115)

5174250 (2854)

5174253 (3351)

5174256 (3158)

5174409 (3190)

5174444 (3054)

5174448 (2883)

5174691 (3289)

5174692 (3022)

5174809 (3110)

5174811 (2797)

5174820 (2719)

5174911 (3093)

5174926 (2869)

5175064 (3015)

5175066 (3141)

5175089 (2735)

5175162 (3300)

5175167 (3180)

5175195 (2727)

5175310 (2831)

5175327 (3231)

5175401 (2738)
5175432 (3358)

5175466 (3123)

5175577 (2726)

5175596 (2807)

5175630 (2992)

5175642 (3007)

5175643 (3012)

5175722 (3101)

5175748 (2969)

5175852 (2864)

5175862 (3146)

5175868 (3034)

5175990 (2820)

5175998 (2972)

5176124 (2945)

5176219 (2873)

5176278 (3249)

5176317 (3053)

5176407 (3317)

5176428 (3121)

5176472 (3037)

5176528 (2890)

5176644 (3310)

5176709 (3285)

5176712 (2752)

5176733 (2899)

5176755 (2783)

5176776 (3327)

5176792 (3163)

5176886 (2988)

5177032 (2923)

5177274 (2823)

5177407 (3172)

5177426 (3042)

5177523 (3021)

5177527 (3247)

5177669 (2730)

5177682 (2946)

5177690 (3014)

5177720 (3138)

5177793 (3139)
5177856 (2720)

5177929 (2932)

5178002 (3159)

5178064 (2804)

5178136 (3170)

5178137 (3111)

5178157 (2918)

5178322 (2822)

5178350 (3299)

5178417 (2891)

5178423 (3312)

5178559 (2951)

5178666 (2913)

5178746 (3346)

5178760 (2955)

5178772 (2808)

5178809 (3254)

5178822 (3027)

5178909 (3379)

5179136 (2734)

5179220 (3370)

5179306 (3340)

5179348 (3048)

5179356 (2721)

5179423 (2852)

5179465 (3197)

5179630 (2740)

5179697 (2760)

5179710 (3265)

5179801 (2793)

5180041 (3374)

5180050 (3281)

5180179 (3193)

5180244 (3236)

5180321 (3364)

5180333 (3020)

5180362 (3288)

5180373 (2764)

5180537 (3081)

5180591 (2941)

5180634 (2866)
5180692 (3028)

5180701 (2755)

5180828 (3212)

5180870 (2957)

5180892 (2841)

5180927 (2954)

5180959 (3005)

5180973 (3318)

5181041 (3244)

5181107 (3258)

5181549 (3076)

5181694 (3330)

5181797 (3303)

5181847 (2710)

5181852 (3043)

5181872 (2824)

5181878 (3325)

5182029 (3321)

5182033 (3126)

5182094 (2939)

5182311 (2803)

5182344 (3328)

5182356 (3077)

5182399 (3313)

5182403 (3097)

5182526 (3114)

5182622 (2838)

5182660 (2753)

5182700 (3036)

5182701 (2811)

5182851 (2855)

5182930 (3167)

5183017 (3269)

5183018 (2940)

5183083 (3060)

5183136 (2835)

5183143 (2867)

5183152 (2707)

5183166 (2927)

5183167 (2953)

5183214 (3116)
5183281 (3345)

5183306 (2771)

5183323 (2729)

5183386 (3309)

5183400 (2786)

5183419 (3165)

5183444 (2997)

5183451 (3087)

5183475 (3002)

5183486 (2773)

5183502 (3368)

5183535 (2842)

5183568 (3210)

5183623 (3344)

5183712 (2865)

5183715 (3128)

5183738 (3142)

5183756 (3206)

5183885 (3155)

5183888 (3188)

5183893 (3032)

5183923 (3350)

5183941 (2886)

5184044 (3307)

5184250 (3039)

5184292 (2881)

5184319 (3361)

5184329 (2722)

5184366 (3347)

5184391 (3208)

5184407 (2875)

5184454 (3120)

5184513 (3201)

5184516 (3348)

5184633 (2787)

5184686 (3315)

5184761 (2898)

5184804 (2983)

5184904 (3326)

5184915 (3033)

5184921 (2889)
5184943 (2756)

5184944 (3105)

5184967 (3090)

5185005 (2929)

5185023 (2828)

5185055 (3191)

5185084 (2990)

5185086 (2974)

5185106 (3322)

5185164 (3253)

5185222 (2942)

5185378 (3267)

5185382 (3145)

5185416 (3352)

5185448 (3100)

5185539 (3091)

5185544 (3023)

5185610 (3230)

5185642 (2892)

5185646 (2832)

5185774 (3319)

5185795 (3085)

5185893 (3000)

5185930 (3341)

5185944 (3052)

5185992 (2779)

5186124 (2834)

5186159 (2742)

5186186 (3207)

5186195 (3059)

5186286 (3271)

5186295 (3232)

5186317 (2749)

5186324 (2792)

5186337 (3273)

5186374 (2979)

5186475 (3186)

5186502 (2717)


5190383 ( 92)

5190519 ( 93)

5190790 ( 96)
5191286 ( 97)

5191690 (107)

5192124 (102)
5192184 ( 99)

5192632 ( 98)

5192789 (109)
5192844 (106)

5192894 (101)

5193221 (105)
5193425 ( 95)

5193460 (104)

5193466 (100)
5193589 (108)

5193678 ( 91)

5193745 ( 94)
5193762 (103)


5190224 (129)

5190295 (127)

5190491 (133)

5190515 (115)
5190516 (117)

5191133 (131)

5191239 (118)

5191259 (124)
5191631 (135)

5191641 (126)

5191648 (130)

5191668 (113)
5191722 (119)

5192073 (128)

5192192 (112)

5192194 (116)
5192313 (125)

5192666 (111)

5192965 (132)

5193115 (121)
5193200 (120)

5193270 (123)

5193415 (114)

5193985 (136)
5194038 (110)

5194104 (134)

5194811 (122)

Note: i) Appropriate action has been taken with reference to the Writ Petitions filed by the candidates from J & K.
ii) The result of one MD/MS/PG Diploma Courses candidate has been withheld.
iii) Appropriate action has been taken with reference to the representations received.
iv) The result is declared with reference to the Writ Petition (Civil) No. 18/2005 pending with Hon’ble
Supreme Court filed by Dr. Buddhi Prakash Sharma and Others Vs. Union of India and Others.


Venue : CHEB Building, Kotla Road (Opp. Mata Sundari

College, near Medical Council of India),

New Delhi ‑110002



Date Morning Session Afternoon Session

9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.


MD/MS/PG Diploma

18-03-2005 (Fri) 1801-1875 1876-1950

19-03-2005 (Sat) 1951-2025 2026-2100

20-03-2005 (Sun) No Counselling

21-03-2005 (Mon) 2101-2175 2176-2250

22-03-2005 (Tue) 2251-2325 2326-2400

23-03-2005 (Wed) 2401-2475 2476-2550

24-03-2005 (Thu) 2551-2625 2626-2700

25-03-2005 (Fri) No Counselling (Good Friday)

26-03-2005 (Sat) No Counselling (Holi)

27-03-2005 (Sun) No Counselling

28-03-2005 (Mon) 2701-2775 2776-2850

29-03-2005 (Tue) 2851-2925 2926-3000

30-03-2005 (Wed) 3001-3075 3076-3150

31-03-2005 (Thu) 3151-3225 3226-3300

01-04-2005 (Fri) 3301-3375 3376- onwards

MDS Courses
02-04-2005 (Sat) 1 - 75 76-onwards


1.Rank Letters are being sent Under Postal Certificate. In case of non-receipt, candidate should contact Examination Section, AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029 for duplicate Rank Letter on working days, two days before
the Counselling from 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Telephonic, email enquires will not be entertained.
2. The vacancy position (college‑wise) may be seen at web site

3. The candidate/authorised representative may collect the allotment letter on the same day.

4. Candidates must bring the following documents in original, along with attested copies of the documents at Sl.No.(iii) to (vii), while coming for allotment of seats by personal appearance :

i) Admit Card.

ii) Rank Letter issued by AIIMS.

iii) MBBS/BDS Degree/Provisional passing Certificate.

iv) Internship Completion Certificate.

v) Permanent/Provisional Registration Certificate issued

by MCI/State Medical Council (for MD/MS/PG

Diploma) or Permanent Registration Certificate issued

by DCI/State Dental Council (for MDS).

vi) Matriculation/High School/Higher Secondary

Certificate in proof of date of birth.

vii) Any other relevant certificate or document.

Candidates without original documents will not be
allowed to appear/participate in the allotment of seats
by personal appearance by D.G.H.S.

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