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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Official Site of TNGDA launched

Official Site of TNGDA launched

The Minister launched the website of TNGDA

The State Government would announce a voluntary retirement scheme (VRS) for doctors working in government hospitals early next year, K.K.S.S.R. Ramachandran, Health Minister, said here on Saturday.

“We are not against giving VRS to doctors. That is not possible immediately because the vacancies in Government hospitals in the State have to be filled first,” he said. The Minister was responding to the request made in this regard by the Tamil Nadu Government Doctors’ Association (TNGDA) at the inauguration of its 11th State conference. He said the Government was in the process of appointing 650 doctors which would be completed by February next year “and after that VRS will be allowed for government doctors.”

1 comment:

  1. our association website is very primitive. for a long time it is under construction.when do you build a full website. we dont know how long it will take to finish the job.we are promised to update district wise membership details. probably it wont be done for a long time. vellore tngda has opened thier own website for vellore district


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