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Saturday, February 2, 2008

31jan, 14mar, 15apr[d] Call for Papers to 3 WIDER Project Workshops

We have pleasure in announcing three `call for papers' by the World
Institute for Development Economics Research of the United Nations
University (UNU-WIDER). (Apologies for any cross-posting. )

Details can be found at:


Call for Papers to 3 WIDER Project Workshops

Beyond the Tipping Point: Development in an Urban World, submission
deadline 31 January 2008.

Entrepreneurship and Economic Development: Concepts, Measurements,
and Impacts, submission deadline 14 March 2008.

Southern Engines of Global Growth: China, India, Brazil, and South
(CIBS); Financial Flows and Capital Markets, submission
deadline 15 April 2008.

World Institute for Development Economics Research of the United
Nations University (UNU-WIDER) undertakes multidisciplinary research
and policy analysis on structural changes affecting the living
conditions of the world's poorest people; provides a forum for
professional interaction and the advocacy of policies leading to
robust, equitable and environmentally sustainable growth; and
promotes capacity strengthening and training for scholars and
government officials in the field of economic and social policy
making. WIDER is the first research and training centre of the United
Nations University (UNU), established in Helsinki, Finland in 1984.
www.wider.unu. edu

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