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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Medical education - P.G. Degree / diploma courses for 20OO - 2003 session -filling up of vacant seats in certain clinical, non - clinical courses - relaxation of marks-order issued.

Health and family Welfare Department

G.O. (Rt) No. 1555 dated : 5-7-2002

From the Secretary, Selection Committee, Lr. No.

1626/SC.S II /1/PG/2001 dated 17-4-2002,16-5-2002,18-6-2002. and



The Additional Director of Medical Education / Secretary, Selection Committee has stated that there are certain vacancies in Degree / Diploma / MDS / Higher Speciality Courses under Service quota as the y have not obtained the minimum marks i.e., 40 % in the entrance examination and requested the Government to issue necessary directions in this regard the Additional Advocate General, High Court, Chennai has opined as follows:

i) As Service candidates form a separate class, different minimum marks can be prescribed under Service quota.

ii) if sufficient Service candidates are not available to fill the Service quota then this can be filled by non - Service Candidates.

2. The Government after careful examination, issue the following orders :-

i) For non Clinical P.G. degree / Diploma courses marks criteria be relaxed fully in favour of Service candidates to fill up the seats. If still no takers for these courses, then, these vacant seats may be filled up by private candidates.

ii) For Clinical P.G. Degree / Diploma Courses, the minimum eligiblity marks for Service candidates be fixed at 35 % If there are still vacancies, then the vacant seats than 40 % more of marks as per merit list.

iii) For Higher/ Super Speciality Courses, the minimum marks be fixed at 35 % for all categories except much (Cardio Thoracic) category, for much (Cardio Thoracic) course, the qualifying marks be fixed at 30 % as there shortage of Specialities in Government Medical College Hospitals to carry out


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