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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

International Training Programme. on Logical Framework Analysis for Designing Development Projects

Greetings from Sambodhi!
In the Result-Based Management series, Sambodhi announces the International Training Programme. on “Logical Framework Analysis for Designing Development Projects” to be held at New Delhi from 23-27 February 2009The aim of the training programme is to augment existing knowledge of the development practitioners on Logical Framework Approach with concurrent enhancement of skills for using the Logical Framework Approach for designing development projects.
Sambodhi’s earlier programmes have been subscribed by leading agencies and projects across the globe. Sambodhi clientele include bilateral and multi-lateral aid agencies, governments, projects, academic institutions and independent consultants including UNDP, UNICEF, UNIFEM, UNESCO, CRS, GTZ, Worldvision, Actionaid, CARE, BBC WST, CRY, IGSSS, FHI, PSI, SNV Bhutan, Winrock, Norweigan Church Aid (NCA), Afghanistan , Royal Education Council Bhutan, Ministry of Education. Govt. of Botswana, Ministry of Plan Implementation Srilanka, State Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, Orrisa,  Chattisgarh,  Jharkhand, Uttarakhand, Maharastra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, IAMR, IWMI, NCAER, IDRC, ICMR etc.
 Flyer of the programme with details and registration form is attached with the mail.
Please share this with professionals in your organization, partner organizations and others who may be interested in this International Training Programme. We shall be happy to answer any queries that you may have in this regard.
With Warm Regards
Gargi Singh
Manager –Project Management Advisory
Sambodhi Research and Communications Pvt. Ltd.
O2 – II nd Floor, Lajpat Nagar
New Delhi -110024
Phone :+91-11-40560734/ 65492502

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