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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Token Strike Withdrawn !!

Message from State Secretary
Friends, Strike Called Off. Action Committee consulted. Deal
  1. Time Bound Promotion in 8, 15, 20 years
  2. PB 4 in 20 years
  3. PHC Allowance, Rare Speciality Allowance, Duty, Call Duty Allowance, Teaching, Court Allowance Hiked
  4. VRS for Selectg Speciality
  5. BMO SCS restored State Secretary
State Secretary

1 comment:

  1. Dear sir,

    Have we got the written assurance from the Health ministry. Oral assurances and committe formations are buying time on the part of the government.

    Did we had the minimal action committee requirement of whatever said by government should be in a legally acceptable format.

    hope u have done so




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