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Thursday, June 20, 2013

7th Clinical Research Methodology Workshop, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai

Dear All,   
The Clinical Research Secretariat of Tata Memorial Hospital in association with the Department of Atomic Energy – Clinical Trials Centre conducts an annual short course in Clinical Research Methodology. This year’s course will be held on the 3rd and 4th of August, 2013.
The course will focus on various aspects of the design, conduct and reporting of clinical trials. Topics covered will include the formulation of a research question, proper study design, conduct of research,  analysis of data obtained, proper interpretation, IRB review of process, compensation clause and publication of results. The course is targeted at a broad audience ranging from those who have little experience in clinical trials to those who are already active researchers and wish to widen their knowledge of the conduct of such trials.
Attendance would be appropriate for:
·          Clinical Researchers who are planning or running a clinical trial.
·          Medical staff involved in Clinical trials who are interested in expanding their knowledge.
·          Trial administrators/ Trial Coordinators / Research Nurses/ Statisticians/ others who wish to expand their knowledge of Clinical Trial Methodology
We request you to forward this mail to people who may have interest in the course.
Please find attached the course details and the registration form.

Thank you very much,

Dr. Ashwini Budrukkar                                    Dr. Shagun Misra
Officer-in-Charge                                                     Organizing Secretary
Clinical Research Secretariat & DAE-CTC

For registration please contact:
Ms. Meenakshi Ganeshan
Conference Co-ordinator
Clinical Research Secretariat (CRS)
3rd Floor, Main Building
Tata Memorial Hospital
Parel, Mumbai 400012, India
Tel: +91-22-24177000; Extn 4254
Fax: +91-22-24168604

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