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Monday, September 9, 2013

Who has to, Who can, Who cannot give injections in a PHC

Who has to give injections / Whose duty is it to give injections

  • Staff Nurse, if posted and if on duty
  • ANM, if Staff Nurse is not posted or posted, but on leave
  • Local VHN, if Staff Nurse and ANM both are not available

Who Can give injections if there are no Staff Nurse, ANM, VHN

  • Medical Officer :) . . . Medical Officer can give, but that is not his duty
  • Health Inspectors who had been appointed as Vaccinators (Most, if not all of them have retired by now. This is only for completion sake)

Who cannot give injections, Who do not have the technical competence to give injections

  • Pharmacist
  • HW Hospital Worker 
  • CCW Cook Cum Waterwoman
  • FNA Female Nursing Assistant
  • MNA Male Nursing Assistant 
  • SW Sanitary Worker
  • Driver 
  • Lab Asst
  • HI Health Inspector (other than Vaccinators). Most of the Health Inspectors at present are not vaccinators. So, practically, Health Inspectors cannot give injections

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Departmental Exams in Medical Code and Accounts Test for Executive Officers

Message from Sundaram Rajan
Please start collecting books and guides for the departmental tests. Exams will be conducted twice every year.

All of us who join government service as doctors (asst. surgeons) should appear and pass two departmental tests. These tests will be conducted by TNPSC not only for us (doctors), but also for other cadres in govt. service. Passing these exams is important for getting increments. Our exams are: 1. Account test for executive officers. 2. Medical code.

Original books must be carried by us to the exam hall and we can see / refer these books and write the answers. Books necessary for 1. Account test for executive officers are: 1. Finance code 2. Treasury code 3. Budget manual 4. Constitution of India 5. Pension code 6. An introduction to Indian govt. accounts and audit Books necessary for 2. Medical code exam are: Two volumes of medical code. For more details you can visit
These exams are MUST for your probation declaration EVEN if you are selected by TNPSC So, please prepare for these exams. Next Exam is likely to be in December 2013 For those who have not studied Tamil in 10th/12th, one more exam is needed

Departmental Test- Books To Download

List of Books
Constitution Of India
Fundamendal Rules of Tamilnadu
Tamil Nadu State and Subordinate Rules
Travelling Allowance Rules-2005  (Annexure I)
Tamil Nadu Budget Manual - Volume I (Pages 1-96 97-218)
Tamil Nadu Pension Rules, 1978 (Pages 1-80,  81-150,
 151-270271-340 )
Tamil Nadu Treasury Code - Volume I (Pages 1-76,  77-150,
 151-220221-296297-380381-423 )
Tamil Nadu Treasury Code - Volume II (Pages 1-102,
 103-300301-357 )
Tamil Nadu Account Code- Volume I (Pages 1-88 89-152)
Tamil Nadu Account Code- Volume II (Pages 1-86 87-175)
Tamil Nadu Account Code- Volume III (Pages 1-88,  89-188,
Tamil Nadu Financial Code - Volume I (Pages 1-100,  101-190,
 191-290291-400401-520521-641 )
Tamil Nadu Financial Code - Volume II (Pages 1-180,  181-340,
341-490491-600 )


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